On this page are quotes from Lauren's friends and family. As I obtain
more quotes, I'll add them here.
"People say that Lauren was a victim, I don't think of her in that
way. The ugly thing that happened last Tuesday, they couldn't conquer her
beauty." Matt Townsend
"I remember her always laughing. She made me laugh so hard." Angela
"I don't think we should be sad. We should be happy we knew
her." Rachel Danford
"The very essence of Lauren lives on, and with us," Rev. Bill Selby
"She was a marvelous sketch artist," She had sketched her own
wedding dress -- one for summer and one for winter, just in case." Rev.
Bill Selby
"Lauren was one of those rare gems," Lori McMullen
"There's not a speaker, poet or singer who could express how beautiful
Lauren is," Tom Tonelli
"How many people have never gotten a 'B'?" Tom Tonelli
"She was proof of God's love," Tom Tonelli
"I love my sister," Not only that, I like my sister."
Josh Townsend
"She was the best little sister in the whole world, an angel on Earth. I
know she's looking down us now," Kathy Johnson
"Their lives were full of courage and hope and enthusiasm. Each of us
will carry the spirit of Isaiah Shoels and Lauren Townsend and Dave Sanders
into the future." Principal Frank DeAngelis
"I'll remember her as a beautiful soul," Catherine Beck
"She bought a gift for her stepfather, She worried all trip because they
put the wrong name on it. Finally, she got on a special train back to Windsor,
just to exchange the piece of glass." Carol Samson
"We continue to pray that the families of Lauren's classmates, teachers
and the entire Columbine community may be comforted by God's eternal
love." David Beck
was very happy being there. And it was the hardest thing I've ever done,"
Dawn Anna, speaking in reference to attending Columbine's 1999 graduation
ceremonies where Lauren would have received her diploma
lives were cut down too short," Principal Frank DeAngelis, speaking at
Columbine's 1999 graduation ceremonies
lives were full of courage and hope and enthusiasm. Each of us will carry the
spirit of Isaiah Shoels and Lauren Townsend and Dave Sanders into the
future." Principal Frank DeAngelis, speaking at Columbine's 1999
graduation ceremonies
Never Forget Always